Yesterday, CFO @JimmyPatronis was at @nwfstatecollege with a special message about @FloridaPrepaid. Visit today!
— FL DFS (@FLDFS) April 29, 2022
Jason L. Perez | The Insurance School .com
EVERYTHING you’ll need you know, you learned in kindergarten.
W/up Floridians!!!
If you’re txt savvy, you’d know, that’s how we’re saying hello these days…. Oh, you knew that? Duh – My point exactly! The rest of this course will be equally as simple since, we’re just reviewing information you’re already familiar with.
So, huddle around this CE campfire and I’ll share a few stories with you. Over the next few paragraghs, I’m going to help you relax by giving you a roadmap and setting some expectations. My informal “tone” isn’t just for the introduction. We’re keeping it simple throughout the entire course.
Continuing Education Requirements
IF… you’ve been a licensed Insurance Agent in good standing for six (6) consecutive years, the Department of Finacial Services will give you a 4–Hour CE Discount. In theory, the 6-year benchmark means you’ve learned something along the way.
Starting on our 4th compliance period, we’re ONLY responsible for 20–hours of “CE TorTuRE”. Maybe it’s the DFS’s way of congradulating you for making it 8-Years.
– Meniachiacial laugh!
Have you noticed all the BOLDED Words & somewhat self-explaniatory colors? All of these exagerations are here to help highlight food for thought. Not just any type of nugget. We’re talking the good stuff that’s DEFINITELY tested.
Before I transition into talking about CE facts for compliance purposes, let’s fash back to where I mentioned my “Informal Tone”. YES, the Department of Financial Services (DFS) requires us to do Continuing Education.
The DFS didn’t require we take BORING CLASSES!
The DFS just wants us Insurance Education Providers to convey the facts. No laws against telling stories and acting like life is interesting. ETHICS – You’re thinking eww. Not me… I’m thinking about Stupid Criminals.
I’ve got #Floridaman memes flashing before my eyes.
Have you heard the story about the Salti Crime Family?
Thursday, February 20th, 2020
This story is about four brothers, Aymen, Faiz, Mohammed and Ayiha Salti. For comedic reasons, we’re going to refer to these geniuses as the Salti Crime Family.
In a nutshell, DFS Investigators discovered that the Salti Crime Family started staging minor traffic accidents at gas stations in June of 2016 and continued until April of 2019.
The cars they were claiming to be damaged were in fact… Not damaged at all. In the nearly three years, the “Salti Crime Family” ran their scheme, they pocketed approximately $230,000 from the fraudulent invoices they submitted to their insurance companies for repairs.
Well, the joke is on these salty dudes now because, since they never fixed any of the cars, the DFS is gonna fix them! These 4-Banditos were all arrested and booked on Racketeering and Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering charges.
How serious is this violation?
Well, all four members of the Salti Organized Crime Family had their bail set at $1.2 million dollars each and, if convicted, they each face up to 30 years in prison. OUCH…
I heard through the grape vine that after booking, the Salti’s were heard saying, “We would have gotten away with the money (IF), It wasn’t for the Florida CFO and his meddling investigators from the DFS’s Division of Forensic & Investigative Services.”
That last part, it may (OR) may-not be fake news however, the Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis was quoted saying,
“Fraud has reached epidemic proportions in Florida and scams like this drive-up auto rates for every driver on the road. I’m thankful for the hard work of my fraud detectives in tracking these fraudsters down.
We must continue to work together to do everything we can to uncover these fraud schemes and bring these scam artists to justice.”
This press release to point out how important the state of Florida views the CFO’s role in regulating the business of insurance. Every press release references who Jimmy Patronis is with the following statements,
“The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and State Fire Marshal Jimmy Patronis is a statewide Elected Official and a *Member of Florida’s Cabinet who oversees the Department of Financial Services.
CFO Patronis works each day to fight insurance fraud, support Florida’s firefighters, and *ensure the state’s finances are stable to support economic growth in the state.”
We’ll deep dive into the CFO’s fight against Fraud after I properly introduce Mr. Jimmy Patronis and the Fraud Free Florida initiative a little later in the class.
Now… back to *CE Compliance Periods.
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